The Nature of Texas Ports and Their Relationship with Hydrogen
/The Ports of Houston, Corpus Christi and Port Arthur are each strategically located, have deepwater access, and extensive infrastructure (including storage, pipeline, rail and trucking).
Each of these Ports is a significant global hub for the import and export of crude oil, refined products, and petrochemical feedstocks. Collectively, they make Texas a leading gateway to global commerce.
With regards to hydrogen, the Port of Corpus Christi and the Port of Houston have announced plans to develop green hydrogen production and export facilities. The Port of Corpus Christi is also working to develop hydrogen fueling stations and a hydrogen pipeline to support growing demand for hydrogen.
Houston and Texas also have the research and development capabilities to develop hydrogen and hydrogen technologies into the future. What other city and state has Rice, the University of Texas and Texas A&M all right here? And those are just the big, globally renowned institutions.
And by the way, Houston and Texas are battle-tested and experienced in market cycles, in weathering boom/bust, and in just simple survival. Hydrogen will bring many challenges, but they are challenges we are pretty familiar with.
Overall, hydrogen has the potential to play a significant role in the transition to a cleaner, more sustainable energy system and Texas and Houston in particular are uniquely positioned to lead the way in this transition.