The Dwarfing size of North American Oil and Gas Infrastructure

The Dwarfing size of North American Oil and Gas Infrastructure

All in all, despite facing headwinds such as capital constraints, environmental concerns, and constantly changing global energy markets, the oil and gas infrastructure in North America has demonstrated significant resilience. The extensive and complex network of pipelines, refineries, storage facilities, and other infrastructure types has shown its ability to adapt to changing market conditions and maintain stable supply chains.

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The Closest Material to Fictional Wakandan Vibranium

The Closest Material to Fictional Wakandan Vibranium

Wakanda is an energy Utopia and its energy infrastructure empowers everything else. The Marvel writers are truly brilliant in emphasizing that materials science and energy infrastructure are the keys to everything else in civilization.

While Vibranium doesn’t exist in the real world, there are some materials which do have some similarities, albeit in modest doses, in absorbing energy.

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How Marvel Comics Contain Complex Energy Infrastructure

How Marvel Comics Contain Complex Energy Infrastructure

I noted that you could even do this for a hypothetical or fictional civilization. And this is what Marvel Comics brilliantly did beginning in Fantastic Four #52, in 1966 when it introduced Wakanda to the world. Wakanda is best understood as a civilization with incredibly advanced energy infrastructure, built upon the nation’s rich natural resources, including, and most importantly, an abundance of Vibranium, a rare and powerful fictional metal with unique energy properties.

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